Monday 26 February 2018

New Year New Me?

So here I am, back again...

Its been so long I know I'm slack but life happened! I started university last year, it was my first year of five, so it was definitely a year of learning new things not only about where I am but where I want to go and what I want to do in my life. Last year was pretty hard for me and I completely lost all motivation and inspiration, I didn't enjoy my degree and it made everyday unenjoyable for me. Over the last 5 months I have had a uni hiatus and in this time I have really taken a step back. I have always always always been the type of person that likes to always keep busy, constantly be doing something. Over the last 5 months I didn't work much, didn't study and took a trip with my family to Europe where I fell in love with London, England. While on this trip I kind of thought about why I picked the course I did and I remembered how hard I worked to get where I am. While in London it reminded me that this is the dream, to live here, work here, have a life here. Even though I was in London for such a short time, it was exactly what I needed. All of a sudden I had this urge to get back to uni and really try my hardest and better my best. And that is what I want to do, and I'm going to write about it here so I have to hold myself accountable. 

I know its already pretty much March but its never too late to set your goals. I set mine at the start of this year and I want to achieve them all by the end of this year! One of my goals was to get a new part time job, which I have done... yay me! I start on Wednesday, I'll be sure to write about how that goes. Its retail, I have never worked in retail. I have been a swim instructor for the past 5 years and I think retail is going to be harder than I anticipate but we will see! 

Its orientation week at Uni this week and I have been so busy preparing. I am apart of my courses student society and I run the social media accounts so I've been under the pump to market the heck out of all of the fun stuff we have planned. I really enjoy writing posts for social media, I even see myself working in that kind of field one day. It is something I am really passionate about and I have fun doing it. 

My most favourite life update is that I have started aerial silks! If you don't know what it is, its basically when you wrap your feet into two sheets hanging from the roof and do all kinds of twists and turns. I didn't explain that very well but I hope you get the idea.. I find it so relaxing, although I am a bit nervous about the class I am in because everyone is so good and I AM NOT! No upper body strength AT ALL!!!! I love it though so I am going to keep at it! Maybe one day I will share some pics.

I think thats pretty much the condensed version of a life update and whats been happening over the past few months. Not all posts will be this boring I promise, I will put some fun outfit posts, some recipes and maybe even some makeupy bits. But mostly this is going to be my place where I can just share my thoughts and keep a record of what I'm feeling like everyday. 

So here we go, 2018 is going to be a good one, I can feeeeeeeel it 

x cc